It is not so complicated women are like men who are too simple.
You see, men think and operate in binary mode: 0 / 1; On / Off, Yes / No; Cross / Content, kind / mean; Hot / Sober; Bag / Sleep; Halak / Price.
The women, they process information using a numbering system using base 16 (but sometimes 31 and even 57, depending on the mood and style). This leaves room for more nuance but which seems absolutely indecipherable and highly complex to an individual who works in binary mode.
You see, men think and operate in binary mode: 0 / 1; On / Off, Yes / No; Cross / Content, kind / mean; Hot / Sober; Bag / Sleep; Halak / Price.
The women, they process information using a numbering system using base 16 (but sometimes 31 and even 57, depending on the mood and style). This leaves room for more nuance but which seems absolutely indecipherable and highly complex to an individual who works in binary mode.
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